The dispute between the Suez Canal Authority and the owner of Ever Given has dragged on. The question «who is to blame» is still unanswered. The SCA recently blamed the captain for the accident. And today there was news that in an interview with Reuters, the head of SCA, Osama Rabie, said that Ever Given was moving along the canal too quickly, and the captain could detain the ship.

“He knows the capabilities of his ship … so he can come and say, ‘I don’t want to enter, I feel the weather is not appropriate,” Rabie told Reuters.
For its part, Shoei Kisen said that SCA is primarily responsible for what happened. Last week, Shoei Kisen’s lawyers said the ship should have been accompanied by at least two tug boats suitable for the ship’s size for the transit during stormy conditions. The company is ready to pay compensation in the amount of $ 150 million, but Rabie found the amount insufficient.
Magazine «Shipping» Odessa