News portal Splash247 reports that the world’s largest container ship will be launched at the Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard in July. It will be received by the Evergreen company, and it will be called Ever Ace. It surpasses the latest series of HMM megamaxes by 28 TEU.

According to Alphaliner, the vessel will be used in the CEM Evergreen service connecting Asia to Northern Europe. Ever Ace is the first of 10 in a series that Evergreen will receive from Samsung Heavy in South Korea and CSSC in China this year and next. Ever Ace has a new design, its body is bright green. The size of container ships is increasing every year, for the first time in 2017 the mark of 20,000 TEU was exceeded. Since the turn of the century, container ships have more than tripled in size in terms of carrying capacity.
Shipping magazine, Odesa