State strategy for Ukrainian ports development: what awaits port branch of Ukraine? The international magazine SHIPPING starts series of online events «Honest Thursday»

Dear partners.

Every last Thursday we invite you for discussion of the most urgent problems of Ukrainian marine and transport branch.

The international magazine SHIPPING starts series of online events «Honest Thursday». The aim is to form a general vision of the situation in various spheres of transport, to determine development priorities, to formulate a baseline scenario for the implementation of the current strategy.

The first event starts on 25.02.2021 and will be devoted to talks around Strategy of Ukrainian ports development for 2038. It is going to be a step in road map preparation for concession projects in the ports branch for 2021-2022. 

Co-organizer: The International Trade-club.

Strategic session speakers: Transport committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine, Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority. 

Panel discussion speakers: Ukrainian and foreign experts of marine and transport branch, associations and non-governmental organizations, business-community (detailed list is agreed) (10-12 experts, timing – 5 min for thesis + 2 min for Q/A) 

Register for participation 

PITCH-session participants: companies with presentations of their new projects and developments, services for ports, terminals, ports and river fleet. (8-12 presentations, timing – 10 min) 

ATTENTION: number of presentations is limited. For conditions of participation in the PITCH session apply to publishing house of the magazine. 

Register for participation

WHO SHOULD BE INTERESTED: governmental bodies, embassies, consulates, diplomatic missions, ports cities municipalities, Ukrainian and foreign associations, ports, terminals, transport and logistic companies, shipping companies, lawyers and investors. 


  • presentation of new projects, developments, services;
  • new partners and clients contacts (B2B meetings on the online platform);
  • talks around Strategy of Ukrainian ports development for 2038. 

We invite you to consider further possibilities for participation:

  • partnership (600 – 2000 Euro)
  • participation in the PITCH-session (400 Euro)
  • participation in the panel discussion (should be agreed with organizers) (free)
  • participation as a listener (free)

We are always ready to propose you the best solutions for your business. 

To know more

Yours sincerely, 

International magazine SHIPPING


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