The news portal Maritime-executive reports that the container ship Ever Given has arrived in Rotterdam, ending a four-month history of litigation. Recall that the ship ran aground in the Suez Canal on March 23 and blocked the movement. For a long time there were disputes over the amount of compensation, and the cargo for billions of dollars was held in the Suez Canal.

The container ship arrived at ECT Delta Terminal in Rotterdam early Thursday morning and will remain in port until Tuesday. The cargo bound for Hamburg will be unloaded at the quay and loaded onto the Ever Utile. Ever Given will miss the entry to Hamburg.
But the story for the cargo owners is not over yet. Shipowner Shoei Kisen Kaisha announced that all interested parties will be required to post a deposit reflecting a percentage of the value of their goods in order to receive their containers. Some of the ship’s cargo is seasonal or perishable, and these shipments have lost a significant portion of their market value in the four months of waiting.
Magazine «Ship navigation» Odessa