Eastern partnership: new indicative TEN-T Investment Action Plan for stronger connectivity

In a bid to boost connectivity and economic growth in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries, the European Commission and the World Bank have co-authored an Indicative trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Investment Action Plan that identifies priority projects in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Together, the projects will require an estimated investment of almost €13 billion and foresee a total of 4800 kilometres of road and rail, 6 ports, and 11 logistics centres.

The projects included in the investment plan were identified together with the Eastern Partnership countries and with the assistance of the International Financial Institutions. Those projects will make possible the construction and rehabilitation of new and existing roads, rail, ports, airports as well as logistical centres and border crossing points. The priority investments include both short-term projects to be completed by 2020 and long-term projects aiming to improve transport links on the TEN-T by 2030. Along infrastructural investments, the presented investment plan aims to bring forward key reforms for the transport sector and improve road safety in the region. The development of project on the TEN-T is expected to foster regional development through improving access to economic opportunities, harnessing the benefits of industrial agglomeration and increasing market competition.

The completion of the Indicative Investment Action Plan coincides with the entry into force of the extension of the core TEN-T to the Eastern Partnership region.


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