CMA CGM and Port of Rotterdam to test the usage of marine biofuel oil

CMA CGM and Port of Rotterdam have joined forces with IKEA Transport & Logistics Services and the GoodShipping Program to test and scale the use of sustainable marine biofuel oil.

On March 19, the test will be applied to the bunkering of the marine biofuel oil on a CMA CGM container vessel representing a major step towards the decarbonization of ocean freight.

In a few days, we will be testing second-generation biofuel in one of CMA CGM’s vessels for the first time. Having an HFO-equivalent solution in biofuel oil available with no engineering or operational changes required to our vessel offers a safe, manageable and innovative opportunity to facilitate shipping’s wider transition to new fuel solutions,” Xavier Leclercq, Vice President, CMA Ships, commented.

GoodShipping Program is facilitating the test, a sustainable initiative was dedicated to decarbonising ocean freight, and is the latest step in the scaling of low carbon marine biofuel oils for wider commercial use within the maritime industry.

GoodFuels have been developed the sustainable marine biofuel oil after three years of intensive testing with marine engine manufacturers.

According to the formula of the second generation biofuel oil, it is completely derived from forest residues and waste oil products, expected to deliver 80-90% well-to-propeller CO2 reduction versus fossil equivalents and virtually eliminates sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions – all without any requirement for engine modifications.

All the parties aim to demonstrate the scalability, sustainability and technical compliance of sustainable marine biofuel oil, and thereby spur the wider continued development of realistic options to curb greenhouse gas and sulphur oxide emissions from shipping.

“The aim of our program has always been not only to reduce carbon emissions from shipping, but to show that the means to accelerate the energy transition are already available for the sector to grasp. Together we send a very clear message: sustainable biofuels are ready today, and we can meet the pathways laid out by the IMO in a manner that is attractive to major cargo owners such as IKEA,” Dirk Kronemeijer, CEO, The GoodShipping Program, pointed out.

“The Port of Rotterdam considers this initiative by IKEA, CMA CGM and GoodShipping to be a strong rallying cry to the shipping industry. This bunkering shows that decarbonisation of sea trade is well achievable. It’s clear that shippers play an important role in decarbonising the industry,” Allard Castelein, CEO, Port of Rotterdam, noted.

“In Rotterdam the necessary infrastructure is available. Besides that, to support these kind of initiatives, we have just started a four year period during which we have EUR 5 million to spend on stimulating specific projects to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the global shipping industry,”Castelein continued.

This announcement comes at a time when the shipping sector is at a crossroads, with owners and operators required to switch to low sulphur fuels by 2020.

Nowadays the shipping sector is at a crossroads, according to the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction requirements, including an objective to reduce average carbon intensity from shipping – the amount of carbon emitted for each unit of transport – by at least 40% by 2030, and 70% by 2050.


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