Berge Bulk Adds Capesize Berge Logan to Fleet

Singapore-based vessel owner and operator Berge Bulk has received the 327-meter-long bulk carrier Berge Logan from China’s Guangzhou Shipyard International.

The company said that Berge Logan is the latest Capesize to join its fleet after Berge Bulk bought four Zosco-owned second-hand capesizes and the previously NYK-owned Ocean Clarion late last year.

The newest vessel in the Singaporean company’s fleet was delivered on February 28 and will sail under the flag of Isle of Man.

Following delivery, the 300,000 dwt ore carrier will make its maiden voyage to Brazil.

Berge Bulk said that the vessel, named after Canada’s highest mountain, is very similar in design to Berge K2, Berge Makalu and Berge Annapurna. Berge Logan is different from these three ships in that it has a slightly larger draught and a modified layout of the hull.


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