Wallenius Wilhelmsen has introduced a car carrier, code named “Orcelle Wind”. It will be powered by wind power. “Introducing Orcelle Wind – our wind-powered pure car and truck carrier capable of achieving up to 90% reduced emissions compared to today’s most efficient vessels – which we hope to have ready for the high seas by 2025”, — the press service wrote in a press release.

According to the company, this is their most significant project to date. “Since 2008, we have been able to reduce CO2 intensity by 33%, which is a significant step. But the journey towards zero emissions requires great strides forward”, — says Craig Jasienski, CEO of Wallenius Wilhelmsen. “We believe Orcelle Wind is one of them”, — he added.
Orcelle Wind will have the capacity to carry 7,000 vehicles at speeds of 10-12 knots under sail – a speed that can be increased with the help of an onboard supplemental power system. The vessel is 220 meters long and about 40 meters wide. The project is slated to be ready for a contract with the shipyard by mid-2022, and the finished vessel is expected to sail by 2025.