Dear partners. We invite you to discuss the most pressing issues in diplomacy, international standards of training of seafarers and to join the formation of a program of struggle with coronavirus in the light of recommendations of the business community.

The International Journal of Shipping announces an online discussion «Honest Thursday. FOCUS: problems of sailors during a pandemic. Recommendations for Ukraine», which will take place on March 29th, 2021 online.
Co-organizers: Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Cyprus, Internationas Trade Club.
Strategic session speakers: Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Cyprus, Ministry of Shipping of Cyprus, Directorate of Maritime and River Transport of Ukraine, State Service of Maritime and River Transport of Ukraine, Cyprus shipping chamber, Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute, Nautical Institute of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Association of Crewing Companies, Marine Chamber of Ukraine.
Panel discussion speakers: Ukrainian and foreign experts of marine and shipping branch, associations and non-governmental organizations, business-community (detailed list is agreed) (10-12 experts, timing – 5 min for thesis + 2 min for Q/A).
Questions for discussion:
- regulation of crew change
- coronavirus control program (how do shipowners see the crew change scheme? What are the recommendations for Ukraine
- the problem of jobs for seafarers. Strategic issues of Ukrainian maritime education development (education system, diploma, certification, training.)
PITCH-session participants: companies with presentations of their new projects and developments, services for shipping and shipbuilding companies. (8-12 presentations, timing – 10 min)
ATTENTION: number of presentations is limited. For conditions of participation in the PITCH session apply to publishing house of the magazine.
WHO SHOULD BE INTERESTED: governmental bodies, embassies, consulates, diplomatic missions, ship-owners and shipping companies, crewing companies, shipyards, ship equipment producers, lawers and investors
- presentation of new projects, developments, services;
- new partners and clients contacts (B2B meetings on the online platform);
- talks around the most pressing issues in diplomacy, international standards of training of seafarers and the formation of a program of struggle with coronavirus.
We invite you to consider further possibilities for participation:
- partnership (600 – 1200 Euro)
- participation in the PITCH-session (400 Euro)
- participation in the panel discussion (should be agreed with organizers) (free)
- participation as a listener (25 Euro)
We are always ready to propose you the best solutions for your business.
Yours sincerely,
International magazine SHIPPING