Skinest Rail and ABC sign MoU for 40 DZC engines to repower TE10 locomotives in Ukraine

Today, at the InnoTrans fair in Berlin, Anglo Belgian Corporation (ABC) signed an MoU with Skinest Rail to supply 40 medium-speed DZC engines for the modernization of TE10 mainline service locomotives of Metinvest Holding Ukraine.

 By signing the MoU with Skinest Rail, a company active in maintenance and modernization of locomotives in Central and Eastern Europe, ABC confirms its capabilities to provide flexible and customized repowering solutions.

ABC’s DZC engines, replacing the existing 10-cylinder two-stroke inline engines, provide a reliable source of power offering lower fuel and lube oil consumption and less emissions. The robust and straightforward design make these heavy-duty engines the ideal partner to repower TE10 mainline service locomotives.

 ABC’s engineering department will cooperate with Skinest Rail for the optimal integration of the DZC engines in the locomotives.

Skinest Rail і ABC підписали Меморандум про взаєморозуміння на 40 двигунів DZC для заміни локомотивів TE10 в Україні


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