Alexander Syvak,
CEO of MediaCompass Ukraine,
Severe competition and permanent changes in the market require competent management from companies that can create a strong basis for prosperous operations.

The item of «Participation in specialized exhibitions» must be in the portfolio of necessary tools for the development of the company’s business.
The company «MediaCompass Ukraine» has been successfully working in the exhibition industry for over 20 years. During this time we have held more than 40 prestigious international maritime and transport exhibitions, which were attended by over 1,000 companies from 26 countries.
In the series of articles on this topic, I will try to tell, as simple as possible, how useful the exhibition and how it affects business development.
Defining the goals
Participation in the exhibition is considered to be successful if the company held at least 5 B2B meetings and has signed at least one contract, with exception of informal meetings with committed partners who also participate in the event.
In order to achieve the above-mentioned results, there are three factors that management must take as a basis:
- It is important to determine what is aim of the company’s participation in the event and, on this basis, to define clear goals:
- increase sales;
- new contacts and contracts;
- experience with technologies;
- detailed study of competitors;
- market research;
- the company’s public image perfection.
- You need to prepare with the extremal scrupulousness to participate in the exhibition event.
- The HR department of the company should take seriously the issue of selection, training and professional development of personnel who will work at the stand and take part in business negotiations.
Stand is a platform for the presentation of new projects

The stand also intended to be a platform for the presentation of new projects of the company that are not yet officially represented on the market. Such a marketing ploy makes possible to increase the number of B2B meetings, during which the circle of interested partners is defined.
Of course, participation in an exhibition with a stand requires substantial expenses, but it is important to understand that you are allocating funds to increase the awareness of your brand, as well as to strengthen the existing positions in the market.
More details how to choose and arrange the exhibition will be the subject of the one following articles.
By the way, if you have a limited budget and you are not able to take part in exhibitions (especially it concerns foreign events) independently — you can consider the option of joint participation with a consolidated company at one exhibition stand.
EUROPORT 2019 — the opportunity to present the company to the global business community
As a result of longstanding work in the field of international exhibition business, the companies MediaCompass Ukraine and Rotterdam Ahoy NV signed a cooperation agreement on August 15, 2018, according to which RIA MediaCompas Ukraine received the status of the official representative of Rotterdam Ahoy NV in Ukraine and became partner of all EUROPORT events in the EU.
In the framework of the agreement, on behalf of the Rotterdam Ahoy N.V. was received a proposal to organize a joint exposition of Ukrainian companies in the shipbuilding and ship repair industries at the largest European industrial exhibition EUROPORT in Europe, which will be held from 5 to 8 November 2019 in Rotterdam (Netherlands).
It is a great honor for us to be the organizers of this project and we will do our utmost to introduce Ukraine with a good grace to the global business community.
Within the framework of the project, we invite enterprises and companies whose activities are related to the shipbuilding and ship repair industries, as well as relevant ministries, departments and associations to take part in this exposition.