An Ismailia court on Tuesday upheld a previous ruling barring Ever Given from leaving the country. The appeal was filed by UK Club, the insurance and protection company of the container ship Ever Given stuck in the Suez Canal. Recall that the accident occurred on March 23.

Reuters reported that the group said the initial appeal was filed «for several reasons, including the well-foundedness of the seizure received in relation to the shipment and the lack of supporting evidence.» Earlier, the Suez Canal Authority filed an approximately $ 916 million claim against Ever Given’s owner, Shoei Kisen Kaisha Ltd., for compensation in connection with the accident. The ship will not be released until the claim is upheld.
Note that there is some good news as well. Earlier, three crew members of the container ship Ever Given received permission to return home, and before that, two more were repatriated.
Shipping magazine, Odesa