420 ships, 1000 scientific papers and vast experience: why the industry will forever remember Gennady Egorov

On May 30, 2021, the shipbuilding industry was shocked by terrible news — Gennady Vyacheslavovich Egorov, the founder of the Marine Engineering Bureau, ideologist, inspirer and just a wonderful, kind, cheerful and intelligent person, passed away. This is a great loss for the entire shipbuilding industry, because over the 26 years of its existence, led by Professor G.V. Egorov Marine Engineering Bureau has built more than 420 vessels, a huge number of vessels have been modernized and re-equipped. Gennady Vyacheslavovich was also actively involved in scientific activities, as he wrote more than 1000 topical scientific works.

The professor passed away at the peak of his professional career, on an airplane over Nizhny Novgorod, over the city in which the largest number of ships designed by the Marine Engineering Bureau were built (and are still being built) under the personal leadership of Gennady Vyacheslavovich. In addition to being completely immersed in shipbuilding and shipping, Egorov was also fond of history, religion and technology: he could give lectures on ancient civilizations for hours, discuss various religious topics and discuss technical characteristics. Under the direction of the professor, the Bureau has gone from a small company dealing exclusively with calculation tasks for the hull of a ship and scientific research commissioned by classification societies to an organization performing almost the entire spectrum of engineering work for shipping and shipbuilding.

Gennady Vyacheslavovich was born on March 23, 1966 in the city of Odessa in the family of a military sailor, spent his childhood in Vilyuchinsk. It was there that he first became acquainted with ships and went to elementary school. As Gennady Vyacheslavovich himself recalled, childhood left a very strong imprint on the formation of his own personality as a shipbuilding engineer in the future. Egorov’s childhood idol was Admiral Gennady Nevelskoy. In memory of him, in December 2020, the first cargo-passenger ship of the PV22 project, built in the last 30 years at domestic shipyards, was named.

Egorov received his general secondary education already in Odessa: he graduated with honors from school №4 in 1982. He planned to enter a completely different institute, a faculty that had nothing to do with the sea. Having passed the entrance exams perfectly, it turned out that in the year of admission they removed the set from Odessa, so it was decided to enter the Odessa Institute of Marine Engineers at the shipbuilding faculty. Fate, not otherwise. Even then, Gennady Vyacheslavovich’s talent began to unfold. From the second year he combined work at the department of structural mechanics of a ship with study and self-development. Egorov completed his studies in 1988 with a «red» diploma. In 1992 he completed his postgraduate studies at the OIIMF at the Department of Structural Mechanics of a Ship. From 1993 to 1995 he worked as a senior researcher, lecturer at the Department of Structural Mechanics of a Ship.

Egorov often went on business trips, to shipping companies, to factories, where he showed another important and fundamental talent — the ability to communicate with customers, which later formed the basis for the successful creation, development and prosperity of the Marine Engineering Bureau. He founded it in 1995, and in March 2000 a similar company in St. Petersburg. At the same time, he never forgot and always supported his native institute, until the end of his days he was the head of the supervisory board.

Egorov actively promoted the work of the Bureau in the international arena, on December 5, 2016 in Baku, he created a joint venture with the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company “Caspian Marine Engineering Bureau”. The results of the joint activities of the companies were road-rail-passenger ferries of the CNF18C project, chemical tankers of the RST12C project, the museum tanker of the HS01 project.

In parallel with his main work, Egorov established contacts with international institutions and took an active part in the work of international conferences and congresses. He has always evolved. In the last two years of his life, Gennady Vyacheslavovich has risen to a qualitatively new level: highly professional webinars on the topic of design, shipbuilding and shipping, which brought together hundreds of experts, and relevant articles. Moreover, he personally prepared the information for the webinars. On his last business trip to Irkutsk, Gennady Vyacheslavovich went to inspect the unique bunkering tanker-ecologist «Georgy Moskalev» of the RT37 project of the Marine Engineering Bureau, built in 2020 for Baikal.

The shipbuilding and shipping industries have lost their legendary identity. On June 7, 2021, the management of the Idel shipping company decided to name the new RSD59 project multipurpose dry-cargo vessel with a deadweight of 8144 tons, laid down on May 25, 2021 at the Oka shipyard, after Gennady Yegorov. The vessel will meet the increased environmental requirements of the IMO TIER III (DE-Tier III) for emissions into the atmosphere. The memory of Professor Gennady Vyacheslavovich Egorov is eternal. It is in all developments and concepts of the Marine Engineering Bureau.

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