Zeppelin Power Systems can monitor the engines’ condition on AIDAprima and AIDAperla

The deal for the cruise ships’ engines now includes the use of the software Cat Asset Intelligence (CAI), which provides analyses of the operating parameters and enables a comprehensive and preventive service support, according to the company.

CAI was installed aboard the ships and provides automated system analyses and reporting based on data analysis of nearly 40 million marine engine hours. An onboard module which is connected to onboard devices and sensors delivers and analyzes valid data in real time, the company explained.

With the equipment, Zeppelin Power Systems can monitor the engines’ condition on AIDAprima and AIDAperla, propose and implement recommendations for action, ensuring maximum performance and availability of the propulsion and energy systems.

AIDAprima and AIDAperla are each equipped with a Caterpillar MaK dual fuel engine and can therefore be run on liquefied natural gas (LNG) while docked at port.


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