How should we use modern interactive technologies in education? At SMART CITY ODESSA 2020 from EdPro.

More that 4 years Lviv implements interactive technologies at schools. All schools are equipped with interactive panels, modern soft programs and interactive students books. Why the city chose it? How were these technologies implemented?

Director of EdPro company Andrey Tabachin is answering these questions at  at the forum SMART CITY ODESSA 2020 (17-19 September)

To know more

SMART CITY ODESSA 2020 – ia 25+ speakers, 500+ delegates, offline & online formats, unique cases and projects.

Sections of the forum:

✅ Smart City.

✅ Smart Mobility. Intellectual transport system

✅ Smart building. Urbanistics

✅ Smart environment.

✅ Smart economy

✅ Smart projects.

To get full program of the event

The target audience of the forum: representatives of municipalities of Ukrainian cities, investment companies and banking institutions, manufacturers of municipal transport, representatives of start-up projects on energy efficiency and  environment, digital infrastructure of the city, on managing transport system and security, technologies for housing.
The event will be supported by HiTech Office Ukraine, the Odessa City Council, Ukrelectrotrans Corporation, Association of small cities of Ukraine.
The program  of the forum includes the celebration of the anniversary of the Odessa city electric tranport  (Odessa tram and trolley bus) (Organizer — JSC «Odessacityelectrotrans»).
You can see the expositions “Municipal Transport of the 21st Century” and “Smart Expo” at which participants will be able to get acquainted with the latest news from leading manufacturers of municipal transport and innovative solutions from partner companies for urban development.

To register


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