State enterprise » Sea trade port «Yuzhny»strengthens its positions and awaits new investors

The enterprise confirmed the status of the leader among the state stevedores of Ukraine according to the results of 2017, including the transfer of energy raw materials.

The plans for the next five years are the modernization of transshipment capacities, the increase in transshipment volumes, the strengthening of positions in the bulk cargo handling market.

 About the successes of the largest state stevedore in Ukraine, tasks for 2018 and prospects for further development, reported the acting director of the enterprise Vitaly Zhukovsky at a press conference held on January 10, 2018 at SE SCP of Yuzhny.


Processed 11.6 million tons

In 2017, the turnover of the company amounted to 11.6 million tons. The most productive was the last, IV quarter: cargo processing, compared with the same period in 2016, increased by 39.4%. In particular, if in the IV quarter of the year before last, 1.95 million tons were processed, then in the same period in 2017 the enterprise received 2.72 million tons of cargo. 62% of the total volume of cargo processed in the year (7.2 million tons) was export ore, 10.4% (1.3 million tons) — energy and 13.9% (1.7 million tons) coking coal. The past year was also marked by an increase in imports — by 53% (2.9 million tons).

The total number of ship calls was 190, of which 34 ships — with imported coal.

— 11.6 million tons is the best figure in Ukraine among state-owned stevedore companies, noted the director of the enterprise Vitaly Zhukovsky.

He also noted that Yuzhny in 2017 transferred 740 million UAH in the budget of Ukraine. The average salary at the enterprise has reached 13,710 UAH, which is 16% more than in 2016, and is the highest in the Ukrainian port industry.


SCP of Yuzhny — the leader in the transshipment of thermal coal

In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, SE SCP of Yuzhny accepts and forwards imported coal to Ukrainian enterprises.

— In 2017 it became a mission of our enterprise. The CHPs had to work stably, and the Ukrainians should not have been left without electricity, so we were restructured to work with imports and organized an effective mechanism for handling the cargo, stated Vitaly Zhukovsky.

On average, Panamax vessels were unloaded for 3-4 days. In total, starting from March 2017, SE SCP of Yuzhny processed 34 vessels with energy raw materials. 1.2 million tons of thermal coal were shipped to coal warehouses of Ukrainian power plants, 1.629 million tons of cooking coal were sent to metallurgical plants.


Own records


As in previous years, in 2017 SCP of Yuzhny set new records.

So, the record holder for the volume of the cargo was a capesize type ship Conquistador. In November, 203.2 thousand tons of iron ore concentrate (IOC) were loaded into its holds. This is 182 tons more than in December, when the vessel Xanadu was loaded, and 1,297 tons more than in April (the ship PinkSands). The daily rate of loading was 26221 tons of cargo.

It should be noted that the largest ship moored to berths in SE SCP of Yuzhny was loaded in 2015. Then, on board the newcastlemax MineralEd», the porters loaded 203.6 thousand tons of cargo.

The company also has achievements in unloading. In July, 75 thousand tons of anthracite from South Africa was shipped to the warehouse of the company in approximately 50 hours. The productivity of the Tukan portal cranes was 1 thousand tons per hour, the average daily discharge rate of the vessel reached 34.6 thousand tons. The loading speed of the bulk carrier ZHAO YAUNG FENG was recognized as the biggest event of 2017 in the city of Yuzhny.


Investments 2017

In 2017, the management of the SE SCP of Yuzhny decided to send most of the domestic investments to renew the facilities, purchase machinery and on modernization

First of all, a fleet of own equipment was upgraded: the port purchased two forklift trucks Konecranes, six front-end loaders Liebherr, a basic tractor for a universal track machine XTA-200, a roller, a universal bucket loader and a passenger bus.

In addition to updating the fleet of vehicles, from November 2017, near the gateway No. 10 of the enterprise, a mobile checkpoint for weighing parameters of trucks was launched.

— By carrying out the assignment of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, we have strengthened the weight control of the incoming and outgoing vehicles. In case of violations, we promptly inform the territorial office of Ukrtrans-security about the incidents, — reported Vitaly Zhukovsky.


All purchases and sales — through ProZorro

— In 2017, we paid a lot of attention to the transparency of bidding in the Prozorro system, compliance with the anti-corruption program of the company, — the director pointed.

In January 2017 the enterprise established an anti-corruption department. A lot has been done during the year: the specialists introduced electronic declaration of incomes of officials, monitored business partners, identified conflicts of interest within the collective, and evaluated corruption risks at the end of the year.

According to V. Zhukovsky, all purchases of goods and services for SE SCP of Yuzhny in 2017 were carried out through the system of Prosorro. From August 29, 2017, the company introduced the Provisional Regulation on the procedure for the implementation of a pilot project for the organization of electronic auctions using the electronic trading system ProZorro. On the basis of which 8 sales procedures have already been announced.


2018th year of development and modernization

SE SCP of Yuzhny has approved a development project and a strategic plan for capacity expansion for the next 5 years, which is planned to be implemented with the participation of investors. The total amount of capital investments will reach more than UAH 5 billion. The lion’s share will be mastered for capital construction and the acquisition of fixed assets.

The implementation of the plan will ensure the reliability of the handling equipment and the necessary level of energy independence and security, Vitaly Zhukovsky shared.

-We plan to increase cargo handling volumes, competitive advantages and strengthen leading positions in the market of bulk cargo handling, he added.

The main cargoes that the port receives and ships are loose: ore, coal. Additional ones — grain, packaged, piece, chemical cargo. At the same time, according to the director, the enterprise is ready to adapt for any cargo traffic.

— We are ready for the fact that an investor will come to us, which will re-equip the port for container or liquid cargo, even packaged-piece. We are open to all offers, — the port director summed up.

40 years of success

In 2018, the SE Sea Commercial Port of Yuzhny will celebrate the 40th anniversary of its founding.

The date of birth of one of the largest ports of the Black Sea is July 27, 1978, when the first vessel, the Latvian gas-carrier Bulduri, arrived at the berth No.3 for loading ammonia.

Since then, four decades have passed, for which the port has become the most promising marine transport hub of Ukraine. Enterprises operating in the port’s water area, in total, annually process over 45 mlnn cargoes of various nomenclature. Among them there is the state enterprise Sea Commercial Port of Yuzhny .

According to Vitaly Zhukovsky, for the jubilee of the port it is planned to shoot a documentary about its formation.

By tradition the whole Yuzhny will celebrate the anniversary. Folk festivities, treats and a lot more, because 40 years is an excellent occasion to have fun all together and sincerely wish the port prosperity and many happy returns of the day


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