Dear friends!

sudohodstvo happy new year

 2017 was the year of important transformations in Ukraine, including the reform of the maritime industry and the participation in the transport routes of Europe and Asia.
 SHIPPING magazine also contributed to the development of the industry. In 2017, we became a media partner of more than 35 specialized Ukrainian and foreign forums, exhibitions and conferences. Thanks to this, hundreds of potential investors got acquainted with the possibilities of investing in Ukraine infrastructure and cooperation with Ukrainian companies. Next year we plan to visit the maximum number of international industrial sites and serve as a professional platform for new business ties.
 2017 is leaving, 2018 comes to replace it. I wish you Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! I wish you well-being, health, success in conquering new peaks. Let the coming year open new perspectives, and let your professionalism, experience and creative approach to work contribute to the development and prosperity of business.
All the best to you in this New Year!

Alexander Syvak, Publisher


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