Ukrainian agriculture export forum will take place on June 8 in Kyiv

On June 8, 2018, in Kiev, on the river lorry Rosa Victoria, will be the IV Agro-industrial Export Forum — the largest communication platform in Ukraine with a focus focused on investment opportunities of domestic market and possibility of expanding export geography. Organizer – A7 CONFERENCES.  Official Carrier – Turkish Airlines, Investment partner – A7 CAPITAL. Business travel partner – AirLife.  In the framework of AGRO-2018.

Venue: Liner Rosa Victoria, Kyiv, Naberezhno-Khreschatytska St., berth

Time: June 8, 2018 (09:00-21:00).

In the last decade, agribusiness enterprises have made a big step towards marketing, thus Ukrainian products have gradually started to enter the international market, moreover — in these markets Ukrainian producers have proved to be competitive. The growth of export volumes of agricultural products and food industry in 2017 amounted to 19.5%, which in cash equals 2.6 billion dollars. However, problems still exist, because even in the Ukrainian domestic market of Ukrainian producers, they can squeeze more expensive, but more qualitative, foreign goods. In 2017, the volume of export of agricultural products from Ukraine to the EU grew by 27% compared to 2016, which is in the monetary equivalent of 1.2 billion euros. However, at the same time, the export of agri-food products from the European Union to Ukraine has increased by more than 200 million euros.

One of the reasons is de-technologicalization and deindustrialization of Ukraine, and its positioning as a raw material base for leading European countries. However, Ukraine has already embarked on the introduction of technologies, albeit at a high pace. An example among today’s world leaders in agriculture can become Israel. The low index of agricultural land suitable for farming — only 20% — is offset by the high efficiency of innovative technologies. For example, the automated almond harvesting process is only 30 seconds. Sometimes even manufacturers who innovate face problems — insufficient production capacity, that is, the inability to process products in a timely manner. Losses are also in the process of processing due to outdated equipment at the enterprises. The competitiveness of Ukrainian producers is reduced due to the lack of transportation and storage of products. In general, only 3/5 of the produced agricultural products reaches the consumer. The solution to these problem points, the experience of international companies, the real opportunities for attracting investment and much more, will be discussed at the Ukrainian agriculture export forum on June 8, 2018.

For the third time, the forum will be the biggest event in Ukraine, which brings together influential players in the industry, Ukrainian producers, international investors, profile associations, embassies, leading media and related industries. The purpose of the forum is to study the modern world trends of the food industry and the potential of Ukraine’s agro-sector within the framework of the global market. The main objective of the forum is to attract international and domestic investors to the potential of the domestic agricultural and food sector.

The forum program consists of three sessions. The first session will focus on state policy on the agrarian sector — the program of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food for the development of the agro-industrial complex, reforms and cooperation with foreign missions. The second session of the forum will discuss the experience of integration of innovative technologies in leading agribusiness companies and the food industry to improve product quality and save production. About the attraction of investments in the agricultural sector to increase production volumes and development of exports of high value added products will be discussed at the third session of the forum.

Organizer – A7 CONFERENCES. Official carrier – Turkish Airlines, Investment Partner – A7 CAPITAL. Business travel partner – AirLife. In the framework of AGRO-2018. General Information TV Partner – News One. Exclusive TV Partner – The first business TV channel. General Information Partner – RBC Ukraine. General News Partner – Interfax Ukraine. General Radio Partner – Radio Voice of the Capital. General Business Media Partner – Focus. Business Media Partner – Business magazine. Information Analytical Partner – Liga.zakon. Media Partners: Novoje Vremia, Ecology of the enterprise,, International magazine «Shipping», Terminal magazine, Agroreview, Agrochart. Supported by: American Chamber of commerce, Kyiv Post, Council of Entrepreneurs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Union of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine, etc.

The agenda and additional information can be found on the website:

Media Accreditation by tel.: +38 044 227 27 77, +38 096 515 43 90,

(contact person: Victoria Shcherbatiuk, Communications Manager).

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