The Italian energy infrastructure company Snam is looking for operators to provide LNG tankers

A public announcement has been published for the purpose on the Official Journal of the European Union with the aim to build up a sort of suppliers’ list for Snam Rete Gas to work with in the next future. Snam S.p.A. is an Italian energy infrastructure company. As of 31 December 2019, it had a market capitalization of €15.4 billion. Snam was originally a subsidiary of Italian energy company Eni. It has since become an independent company, whose largest shareholder is CDP Reti, a holding company controlled by the Italian state.

Today Snam is the main Italian operator for the transport and dispatching of natural gas in Italy, having almost all the transport infrastructures in the country with 32,727km of gas pipelines. The company is also one of the main continental operators in regasification business through the controlled LNG terminal ashore in Panigaglia and the participated offshore terminal Adriatic LNG.

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