ENGLISH CONTRACT LAW «3D: Default, Demurrage, Detention»

We teach English Law in the language you understand!

Interlegal law firm announcing the beginning of our annual English Law Course. Interlegal team, jointly with Black Sea Institute of Maritime and Trade law & The Nautical Institute of Ukraine, traditionally has prepared a unique program for training course

  • Date: April 12-13, 2023, at 12:00 PM Kyiv local time.
  • Venue: online, by ZOOM platform.
  • The course provides for simultaneous translation.

This year, its slogan will be «3Ds: Default, Detention, Demurrage». All these words cause panics – all of them we hear from our clients most of all. 

This course will be interesting for traders and shipping lawyers, since English Law is the basic one in the international trade. 

If you have ever faced such vital issues as: 

  • How to prolong delivery term without cancelling the contract. 
  • How to mitigate risks.
  • In which cases prepayment should be refunded.
  • How to prevent detentions under rail & road carriages.

So, to visit our course is a must! 

We will also explain the difference between Ukrainian and English law and highlight some nuances based on our case study. 

Details, program and register.

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