The State Hydrographic Service оf Ukraine is a unique state institution ensuring safety of navigation in the sea region and in the inland waterways of Ukraine. Since April 2018, the State Hydrographic Service оf Ukraine has been managed by a new head, acknowledged expert in international law and public administration, Oleksandr Shchіptsov.
— You have been running the State Hydrographic Service оf Ukraine since April of this year. After two months of your management, the Institute was audited by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). How did the IMO auditors appraise the work of the institution?

— The State Hydrographic Service оf Ukraine has been performing the function on providing the navigable inland waterways with the aids of navigation. What is your assessment of this managerial decision?
— The managerial decision mentioned by you should certainly be assessed as an act of critical management. However, this forced decision allowed us aligning the situation and creating safe conditions for the shipping in the navigation in 2017-2018 under the warning conditions of navigation in the inland waterways.
— As the State Hydrographic Service оf Ukraine had to deal a lot with the Dnipro in these days, do you have any thoughts of what else is necessary to do for restoring the national river shipping?

But taking into account the generally acknowledged fact about maximal profitability of water transportations, the conclusion is obvious – river shipping must be restored.
— Which innovations of modern equipment and technologies does the State Hydrographic Services of Ukraine plan to use today in order to advance sea waterway services?

Insertion: Scientific activity – is one of top-priority directions for State Hydrographic Services.
— Which cartographic works are done by the State Hydrographic Service today?

-What is your estimation of prospect of creation of digital data bank for hydrographic data?
— It is topical requirement of the present. This is why the State Hydrographic Services of Ukraine plans to cooperate with the National Academy of Science of Ukraine in order to create the data bank. Certainly, the bank will be added with the treasury of years-long experience of the State Hydrographic Services – national collection of sea and river electronic charts, oceanographical atlases as well.

— The top priorities of the managers of our Institution are focused on the issues of studying sea and river shipping waterways, navigational and hydrographical safety provision within the national zone of responsibility, implementation of modern methods of navigation in Azov-Black Sea region of Ukraine, as well as realization of the National plan of restoring the power economy, particularly implementation of energy-saving equipment at objects of the State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine
Central department of the State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine
Address: Gagarin Avenue, 23
02094, Kyiv city, Ukraine
Tel.: (044) 296-60-40
Tel./fax: (044) 292-12-17