The 2nd anniversary of the cyber security project — ‘Phish and Ships’

Jordan Wylie finished his two year research project “Cyber Security: The Unknown Threat at Sea?”

The main idea of the results his research was that the maritime industry should to wise up to the potential of cybercrime in an increasingly digital age.

The industry was fully underprepared for cyber threats.

In 2016, Jordan unveiled the first issue of ‘Phish and Ships’, to raise awareness of cyber threats to worldwide shipping.

As a result of his activity, today we have over 100 supporting organisations, over 30,000 subscribers to ‘Phish and Ships’, and a website full of resources: posters, guidance material and news to help educate and inform.

Since starting, the industry has seen which problems a cyberattack can cause: the potential disruption and incalculable costs, both monetary and reputational.

Now things have started to change, however there is still ground to make up. Protection against cyber threats will only come when we realise a range of measures: investment in technology and in personnel, open communication flow about breaches and threats, and intense cross-sector support.

On the 2nd anniversary founders are proud to continue to support the industry on its journey to cyber security.


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