Managing Partner of Batpetrol LLC (Batumi): Physical bunker supply by tankers is not available in Georgian ports from beginning of 2013. Vessels arriving to Georgian…
7 ноября 2017
The spokeswoman for Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, on the establishment of ADY Container LLC: — The company will manage all container platforms and shipping in Azerbaijan,…
27 октября 2017
Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan on lease and concession of berths – during the meeting of the Council of the Mykolaiv Sea Port:…
20 октября 2017
Levan Akhvlediani, Chief Executive Officer, Anaklia Development Consortium – about the deepwater port Anaklia construction: — Georgia is the only country in the Black Sea…
13 октября 2017
Raivis Veckagans, the Head of Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority – about volumes of cargo handling in seaports of Ukraine for 9 months of 2017: —…
5 октября 2017
Raivis Veckagans
Chairman of the AMPU Rayvis Veckagans - about the beginning of the work of the AMPU in the system "Prozorro.Prodazhi"
“The USPA has been working in the electronic system “Prozorro” since April 2015, which gave us the opportunity to save more than 700 million UAH…
22 сентября 2017
Yuriy Lavrenyuk
Заместитель министра инфраструктуры Украины Юрий Лавренюк – в ходе рабочей
встречи по вопросам обеспечения судоходства в Азовском регионе
“The issue of dredging in the seaports of the Azov region should be urgently addressed. Reducing the throughfall can lead to a critical situation with…
13 сентября 2017
Volodymyr Omelyan
Министр инфраструктуры Украины Владимир Омелян – в ходе круглого стола на тему
развития рынка речных грузовых перевозок
“The discussion on the Law on Inland Waterways has been going on for more than two years. If we approved it two years ago, today…
12 сентября 2017